I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Sonntag, 6. November 2011

Will everyone wear the same clothes in an EMS?

FAQ - Will everyone wear the same clothes in an Equal Money System?
No, I mean expression will be the core of our existence.
And therefore fashion, that means comfort with clothes more than anything else will be paramount.
And within that everybody will participate and there will be many ideas. So that will definitely become one of the arts of existence.
The art of dressing. We'll have some fun with that, because it truly is one of the areas we can do without harming each other.
and yet having a fulffilling time. So let's fashion a new world.
What allows us to truly express ourselves, where all have their choice to participate in it in the way they would like to. You'll like dressing in different ways, it'll be available. You don't like it, so be it.
Depends on what you like to explore. It is about self-expression.
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