I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Sonntag, 27. November 2011

No more low internet connection with Equal Money?

For a system that is based on the principle of equality and oneness, what is basic to implement for all to communicate and join the voting process equally is access to internet for each and everyone here on Earth. This is not only significant for voting and general communication, but it is essential as a feedback system for distribution of food and other basic needs so that supply and production can concurrently be made available or vice versa be curbed to avoid wasting resources. In providing equal education the internet will also prove to be invaluable.

With the totality of the economic system then having been changed into a system that is non-profit oriented, there will also be effects on the how and who of internet service providers and the orientation which will be allowed within decision-making with respect to installations, configurations and other technology-related factors. Thus also technical difficulties that cause one’s internet connection to run slow – which are in some cases even due to the circumstance that filters or controls are intentionally installed on the network - will be addressed from a different starting point, meaning, money cannot constitute a motivating factor when it comes to allowing difficulties to be endured on the user side, such as for instance low speed.

Policies for controlling access to network services will not be based on business calculations, revenue generation or to productize services, nor will the traffic flow through the networks be regulated from that perspective. Currently providers often use the excuse of ‘Quality of Service’ policies to limit or even completely block traffic from targeted applications such as ‘peer-to-peer’, BitTorrent for instance, which can generate huge amounts of traffic across the internet, so they can conserve their network resources for other, more profitable purposes. Alternatively, chances are that internet service providers could, instead of limiting traffic, also charge premium prices to support certain types of applications to make money, which would lock out not-so-competitive businesses from internet ecommerce. Such profit-oriented, self-interested practices, as well as ecommerce in general, will have found their end in an equal money system, as there will be no products to be offered for sale – everybody has equal access to everything that is required to live a happy life, where everyone and everything is considered equally, to be able to live Life in dignity.

Therefore the internet will be able to grow to support all of humanity equally to ensure that everyone’s needs can be met.

Discussions on the point of ‘net neutrality’ and how to maintain the contended principle of generally free and open network access to information in spite of ‘having to stem increasing costs of producing and maintaining high-speed internet services’ due to, for instance, the growing popularity of live video – will be void on account of the inherent regulatory effect the Equal Money System will have on this.

No single person owns the internet, no single government has authority over its operations that besides some technical rules and hardware/software standards enforce how people plug into the internet, the internet is, for the most part, a free and open broadcast medium of hardware networking. So, considering the billions and billions of dollars companies in business with networking and providing internet have made since it was developed some decades ago, together with all the businesses and corporations that have been created around the original ARPAnet which are now booming and capitalizing on their established positions in the networking industry, one can rightly assume that the that this freedom must have been compromised somewhere along the road.

Also it has become difficult to keep up to date with all the software updates and hardware standards, together will all the know-how and protective measures such as firewalls and anti-virus programs that have become necessary. In cases when things go wrong on the computer the average user will need the support of a computer specialist who will, of course, charge for his services. Free internet is a matter of perspective. In the Equal Money System computer geeks, freaks, gizmos and nerds will still find the net fascinating and compelling enough to practice their skills and creative drive and in that give their support toward what is best for all. They will certainly be highly honored!

Another point that is interesting in connection with technology and internet providers is the fact that there is the term of ‘disruptive technology’. It’s a term that is sometimes used to describe developments that shake up an industry making it necessary for them to adapt to changing conditions. They often face priority issues with whether to invest in the novelty or wait for it to be proven – thus the concept of technology as something with disruptive potential – being that their inflow of profit might be disrupted, rather than technology being applauded as a potential stepping stone for advancement to a stable ‘best-condition-provided-for-all’ as their main focus.

Where the magic happens is when technology maps into a support structure that is there for the best of all – equally. Check out the Equal Money System: http://equalmoney.org