I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

Why God created religions and mind-stuff

In His Almightiness and Goodness God created ‘sin’.

He created an incarnate son who saved thousands from the death of sin to the life of Divine Grace -- to reveal His Graciousness and Mercy.

He created miracles of cures and healings as a visible picture of His spiritual work against evil, which He created in the first place (but that he doesn’t really like to talk about that much).

He created draughts to bind the faithful to Him in prayer for rain.

He created calamities to spread fear – so all the despair would turn his Creation to Him in hope of averting the next one, or maybe then the next, or the next (?)

He created plagues that ravage across the land to show His Almighty Power and Dominance.

He created Himself as His Creation’s idea of ‘Him holding the Heavens in His Hands (definitely!) and searching the abyss and will listen to our petitions, and in His own good way (lol), bring about the answer we need’. Yaaayyy

In His infinite knowledge and power He will, in some way best known to Him, bring about what we ask. (in God we trust …isn’t it?)

He created Christianity to teach that He created and governs the world.

He created it as His Providence.

He created conscience to guide us and control the tendencies of 'man's nature' he also created us as.

He created intelligence and free-will capable of knowing and serving Him, and created us for that purpose.

He created Himself in a supernatural manner throwing a flood of light on the relations which should exist between man and Himself.

He created the Bible that contains this revelation as the Book of His Word. He also created Himself as supernatural. (megalo something)

He created another realm of existence beyond the sphere of nature with spiritual beings and departed souls. yup

He created both spheres, the natural and the supernatural under His overruling but everloving Providence. right

He created religion as the knowledge, love and service of Himself for our upliftment.

Thus he created Worship with its essence – prayer.

He created prayer so that man can speak to Him in acts of faith, hope, love and contrition to implore His aid.

He created grace and miracles, he created them to have meaning to us so that we do not realize ourselves for ourselves as He wanted to be needed.

He created Himself as the fulfillment of constant desire for interference in the life of man which He presents Himself within as ‘fatherly care’.

He created the idea of ‘purity of heart’ that pleases Him in some mysterious way, especially when it is the basis on which sacrifice to Him is prepared.

He created the universal tendency to refer all striking phenomena to supernatural causes.

He created error and exaggeration to test the faith in His Providence.

He created an abiding conviction in His Almightiness.

He created dualism.

He created his own justification by creating Leibniz.

He created a great plan for him to publish a work to show that the evil in the world does not conflict with His Goodness.

He created ‘optimism’ that notwithstanding its many evils, the world is the best of all possible worlds. Aha-hmm

To keep things interesting He also created Pierre Bayle so that he would deny His Goodness and Omnipotence. For this He also created all the sufferings he was to experience in his life.

So He created philosophers and their attention on the problem of evil.

In His Almightiness and Knowingness he created new philosophical terms to further ideas and diversion from simply being Here in the physical.

He created death for His creation to experience the other realms of His creation so it was enabled to remain within time loops and not come anywhere to realize their own source origin.

He created everything to remain in the center of attention.

He created Ministers, Bishops and the Pope as representatives to herald His All-Presence and to lead sheep straying toward Life back to Him.

He created Kant and Hume to awaken some serious doubt in His believers as a test of faith.

He must revel in the polarity of solid reason against the long-tested arguments for His existence enjoying the energy created.

He created new schools of thought that taught the idea of the existence of Him being a deep-rooted natural impulse. This, of course, he had also created.

He created ideas that the impulses of our hearts are of more value than the absolute certainty and that His existence could not be demonstrated – a certainty as to this truth could only be furnished by inner experience, feeling and perception. (Attention Deficits?)

He obviously created obscurity. Definitely.

And must love to play.

He created the ‘decision of the heart as a guarantee of the truth’ contra ‘the intellectualism of ‘Is God dead’?’ thus ensuring that we stay within and as the mind – the ‘heart people’ seeking the faint glimpses of His essential greatness and beauty and the ‘intellectual people’ seeking cognition and knowledge.

He created Himself as being ‘unknowable’ and thus all knowledge will be incomplete and consequently any attempt to reason about His attributes and our relation to Him is foredoomed to failure. (Playing hard to get…)

He created the soul and the question of its reality.

He created the doctrine of a future life – as life after death.

He created immortality.

He created fear of death – and fear of life – and fear of ourselves – and fear of Him – and fear of others – and the list goes on

He created us as mind so we could fully appreciate Him.

He created imagination and hope together with stupidity and despair.

He created systems that accentuate the distinction of soul and body which make the bodily life a mere transitory episode in the existence of the soul.

He created periodic world-destruction in Brahminsim and then Nirvana to be able to forget all this again.

He even created a ‘world-soul’: the unseen seer, the unheard hearer, the unthought thinker, the unknown knower, the Eternal in which space is woven and which is woven in it’

He created cosmology, theology, physics and mental sciences --- musical concord and mathematical symmetry, gravity, acceleration and insanity.

He created sameness and otherness.

He created the idea of evolution versus creationism to keep us busy and thinking.

He created the theory of ‘mind-stuff’ for those who accept evolution - they must, for the sake of consistency, assume that there is attached to every particle of matter in the universe a bit of rudimentary feeling or intelligence, so when combined in a certain specific way they form consciousness and eventually human consciousness. – Thus He created the immediate coupling of mind and matter.

He created volition and threw it into the equation.

He created inconceivability and thus a need for a creator. A need in man for Him!

He created trust in something Superior – outside of man. God is clever, in a way.

He created the opposition of mind and matter, of dualism and monism.

He created the idea of an underlying substratum.

He created matter as taking up space, subject to motion, possessed of inertia and resistance and contrasts it with mind as acts of consciousness that are born and then annihilated.

Herein He created apprehension of the material world because we depend on it and believe we are not really in control of it and limited by it.

He created a craving to find unity in the seeming multiplicity of experience but at the same time fearing it.

He created fear of influence of the mind and fear of limitation of matter.

He created the idea that ideas are the only thing of which we can be certain in Monism.

He created the idea that the human mind has had no real influence on the history of mankind in strict materialism.

God – in His Almightiness and Omnipotence created everything – we have allowed and accepted it as us – now we have to sort it out – redefine and redirect us as Life for real as substance, in and as mind and matter and use common sense instead of a concept of ‘reason’ that is made up of layers of ideas of old, unchallenged, pieces of knowledge – here a bit, there a bit. We actually really have to put ourselves together again in the realization that there is no ‘true knowledge’ of the material world or any others out there outside of us – we are all there is – it is all us.

Let’s walk this together to not ever give permission to this again.





Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

from observer to participant - desteni

Here I'd like to share my story of how I got to Desteni:

Someone told about youtube and since I had been reading a whole lot on spirituality, homoeopathy, kinesiology, channelings with Jane Roberts and Seth, reiki, auras, quantum touch and alternative healing, it was real fun to watch videos and get information on topics I was interested in by way of videos instead of reading all the time. I happened upon Desteni when doing a search on ‘the Anunaki’, because a practitioner had told me some things about them and gave me a book to read, but had wanted it back before I had completed it. Well, that’s how I saw one of my first Desteni videos – which was one from the History of Man series done by Jack. It took me a while to actually find out who it was that I was seeing in the video and to decide whether I was seeing a man or a woman – lol - this ‘Jack’ looked rather female to me! And of course the phenomenon of the ‘Portal’ was very intriguing. So it took me a while to find out whether Jack and Veno (from ‘my’ first videos) were different ‘people’ or what was going on here, until I finally discovered the story behind this. Around that time I made ‘youtube friends’ with Bella who was living on the Desteni farm to that time and I think she mentioned the forum to me where I found more background information and a place to discuss the material and read how others ‘were taking all this in’.

Despite all of it - the portal - being so unbelievable, the fact that I was actually getting answers here that didn’t leave anything hanging in mid-air - after having watched one video after the other for some weeks (!) - in contrast to Seth (who was at least more or less scientific) and all the ‘channeled’ stuff, was what opened me up to Desteni. Here I was finding answers to questions that had been with me for most of my life. Things that had disturbed me most of all in the books I had been reading were that you had to expand your consciousness, become more, something that is actually not-me-yet. This had made me nervous, because I was giving my power away to other people’s ideas and perceptions who believed they knew how to get information from my spiritual guides, what karmic lessons I had to learn, etc., etc. Well, I was looking for direction… And then there was the ‘message’ that everything is Here. I am Here. I am Here as everything as Life, one and equal! There is nothing to expand to, nothing actually superior – and inferior, not if I don’t allow and accept it. And there was self-forgiveness and the other tools. I was actually able to support myself – the search had ended. So I was actually able to start facing my Self. It’s still a process, and not such a pretty sight as I had once hoped (after reading Kryon!). But self-walked, and not ‘presented’ by anyone. So I’m learning to trust myself, my Self – as I am doing this myself, for myself. And thus, by building myself as trustworthy will also be able to actually support others as myself. And being able to trust myself means I can stop myself as Self-interest; I don’t have to have my interest in mind as priority when there is self-trust.

This brings me to the next point which is absolute priority in this world: Equal Money. Without an equal money system the current system of abuse will continue the suffering for all Life. Nobody will be able to stop their struggle for survival and actually realize what Life is all about, who they are as and within Life as one and equal if we don’t implement an equal money system to give everyone a chance. This is the primary step to World Equality within which we act as one to support Life. This is what I see as Heaven on Earth. Being Here unconditionally as equals. Being able to be Life unconditionally, supporting and being supported equally.

Here are some of the early videos I marked as favorites from the time I started with Desteni. There are a lot more that have since added to my understanding of where we come from and what we have allowed. So in this I have released myself from a search within the past which had shaped my future to be a search for myself. I have stopped searching and allowing myself here, allowing myself to face myself, to see what mind constructs of ideas, memories, fears, self-denials etc. I have given my power away to. So Here and now - instead of only observing and evaluating - I can take part in my life as a living participating being.

Self-Discipline and Osho

Demons and the Inner Darkness of the Shadow Self

Thoughts and Holographics Veno

When I trust in God and the World fail will we Stand Up at last? (The Design of Giving Up)

Give You to You

Happiness in a Relationship and in Life Why is it not Constant? (The Design of Happiness)

Imagination and Entertainment The wild card!!! Hot and sexy?

Amalgamation as Life as Freedom (Solution of amalgamating as life)

The end of man as slaves to money god as man

God as Man as Powerless Victim What is the Core Origin? (Bruce Lee)

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011

I lost self-respect -- verbal abuse

Again Im looking at the reactions within me when a person gets all worked up and directs the emotions at me in and as verbal abuse.

This time the situation was a completely new one. We were going to jump start my daughter’s car because the battery was low or something. She had the car parked in her rented space in the court-yard of the apartment house. There was a small strip of lawn in front of the parked cars and thus no other reasonable way to get the two batteries close enough to hook them up, so H. drove the car directly onto the lawn to have it face J.’s car.

It turned out the car was able to be started without jump-starting it, we had the motor running and J. was unpacking some of her things because we were going to take the car with us to U. to be serviced. This was when a man suddenly appeared in the court-yard shouting at us to remove our car from the lawn immediately, that he was the one who was going to have to listen to complaints from somebody – no idea who - the janitor (?) and he was the one who would have to look at the damage made to the lawn and so on. He hadn’t introduced himself nor did we really know what his problem was. There was no damage in the lawn whatsoever and hardly a mark to be seen, only some bent blades of grass.

I calmly told him what we were doing and that there was no other reasonable way to get close enough. Still agitated he told me we were to push J.’s car back and come around to the paved part of the court-yard in front of the garages. He continued in a furious tone demanding we get off the lawn NOW. I pointed out that no damage was done and that we would leave as soon as we got the things out and that there was no reason to overreact. In saying this I reached out to his lower arm to calm him down. He moved backwards away from me still enraged, saying things and me calling out that there was no need to get so excited. Moving towards the door he shouted he wasn’t excited at all (lol) and we would see how quickly the parking space would be taken away from us.

I was stunned. I looked at the others and H. asked what that was all about. J. said that he was always like that, she didn’t know his name, but he wasn’t the janitor. Well, I was considering saying that this is how it is like to be subjected to others’ verbal abuse and emotions and not knowing where it came from, but I didn’t want to rock any boats, because the situation has been rather calm lately. I just said that this is how some people ‘function’, shrugged my shoulders and left towards my car that was parked on the street.

Sitting in the car then I realized that the whole situation had shaken me up more than I had realized. It was like having been subjected to a sudden intense blast or storm and managing to stand still within it, but then the realization and reflection of it made me tremble inside. It started in my solar plexus area or slightly below and moved upwards and I was almost about to give in and cry. I stopped myself though and told myself to breathe and be Here. This helped and I wondered how my structural resonance was still ‘set up’ in a way to attract such situations, still ‘set up’ or why it was ‘set up’ like that at all. I knew from looking into such situations that the element of being ‘wronged’ or ‘feeling wronged’ was there, on part of the other person, but also on my part. This element was present in this situation also – it was detectable in the person’s words. I can’t remember feeling wronged when he said it or at the time shortly before this outburst came about. Afterwards, yes, by thinking this was totally uncalled for, but how could it ‘cause’ or ‘call for’ something like this? So it had to have taken place sometime before.

So how did I lose myself here and what did I lose?

Somehow I programmed my body/me/my water with the information of ‘being wronged’ and have inadvertently fed this concept with experiences that reflected this state back at me. Also, as the source of my experiences, I have created situations wherein other people act out this self-perception of ‘being wronged’. Within this context there is of course also the polarity of ‘being right-ed’ – being told ‘you’re right’, ‘you’re doing that right’, ‘you’re right in feeling that way, I would feel that way too’, ‘I would do that too’, ‘you’re right and not to blame’ – all of which is good to hear when you believe in being wronged/having been wronged. And, by writing this now I realize that ‘feeling wronged’ after the event presents me with the solution: I have allowed myself to feel wronged by something. The fact that I believe something can make me feel wronged at all is the program I have written / the information that I have imprinted into my water as me.

Ive lost myself by believing I could be wronged by other people-as-me. How can I ‘wrong’ myself? By judging myself as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. --- What did I lose? I lost self-respect.

Interesting to see that I automatically looked for an event wherein I felt wronged before the encountered event, instead of realizing that everything is here and ‘before’ and ‘after’ are not relevant in this connection.

Freitag, 3. Juni 2011

Investigating ‘being a slow reader’

I was reading a text and suddenly realized that I was losing focus and slowing down. I noticed how I was looking at each individual word and how it was actually taking me time to absorb the meaning of the word. It seemed like seconds before the word and it’s meaning were brought together in my head. Then slowly the string of words in front of me and the lingering meaning of the individual words fused into a context of sorts. I was functioning in slow motion mode – one frame/word at a time.

Ive had this before. This time, however, it seemed I was sensitized to the point of ‘reading speeds’ because of a conversation I had on training software for building one’s reading abilities with Cam yesterday. He had pointed out that the speed of recognizing a printed word in front of you depends on the emotional charge it has within and as you. So the less the emotional charge, the more you are one and equal with it and the absorption of the word and its meaning.

I stopped reading and pondered on this for a moment. For me what it meant was that I was actually trying to protect myself from words and what meaning they conveyed. In fact I was trying to slow down the transmission of meaning instead of seeing the meaning was what I was attaching to the word. The word per se is ‘innocent’. So I was giving my power away to the fear of words, instead of seeing that I had to investigate the meaning I had imposed onto the word and release this within and as me with sf.

Wondering where this need to protect myself from words had first been allowed within me, the memory of a playground scene came up when I was about 9. After a practice baseball game in the afternoon some girls and I were walking over the school grounds from the field to the school building and they began singing “We won the war and the Germans lost it”. I was the ‘German’ and they the ‘we’. I remember singing the line along with them about twice till I slowly grasped the meaning of it. I stopped singing and dropped behind feeling excluded. At the time I hadn’t even heard of ‘the war’ before.

So obviously in reading slowly I was giving myself time to test or ‘probe’ as to whether the word was ‘friendly’ or not – would it ‘hurt’ me – what does it imply etc.

This is definitely not necessary.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to believe words can hurt me.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to separate myself within and as the recognition of the written word from the actual realization of its meaning by allowing a time delay as protective buffer.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to believe I needed time to fortify myself against the realization of the meaning of the word.

I forgive myself that I havent accepted and allowed myself to realize that I had separated myself from the actual meaning of words and my interpretation of them by taking them personally.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to take words personally.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to take the actually meaning of a word to mean something other by interpreting and taking this personally.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to project meaning into words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself within and as a time delay between the recognition of a written word or the absorption of a sounded word to project a meaning onto/into it.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself within and as the distinction between ‘benevolent’ and ‘hurtful’ words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to project ‘benevolence’ onto words

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to project ‘infliction of hurt/emotional pain’ onto words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to give my power away to the way I interpret words in my mind.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to feel inferior to words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself within and as ‘superiority’ with respect to words when I use them forcefully to ‘protect’ myself.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to abuse myself as and within the use of words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to use words as a ‘dagger’ to get a point across in a hurtful way as and within the emotion of ‘revenge’ and ‘attack’ when I feel ‘cornered’.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself within and as a ‘war’ of words.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to believe a spoken word could separate me from what is here if I don’t allow it.

Words are innocent.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the innocence of words as and within me.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to project the fear of facing myself as separation onto words as the ‘aggressor’.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think of myself as a slow reader.

Sf w/r/t the actual scene of the memory:

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to feel inferior when playing baseball, believing I’m not good at hitting the ball because I hadn’t had any practice ‘because it’s not a German sport’.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to have alienated myself from the simple act of hitting a ball with a bat by thinking I’m not good due to having accepted the idea this is an American sport and I’m German.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to hide behind the justification of being German and not used to playing baseball and thus allowing this idea to limit me within and as self-enjoyment of simply hitting a ball.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to feel constricted when trying to hit the ball within the belief that I didn’t have any practice with the game due to it not being a German game and thus place myself under pressure to succeed and at the same time open myself up to ‘failure’/’losing the match for the team’/’losing the war’.

Within this, I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to project being seen as a failure in this game 'because I’m German'.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to distinguish between American and German games.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to make a game a matter of winning and losing.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to fear ‘failing to prove myself as a successful and worthy part of the team’ and consequently be excluded.

I forgive myself that I havent accepted and allowed myself to realize that I had already separated myself within and as the team by allowing and accepting the idea and perception of myself being a German playing an American game.

I forgive myself that Ive accepted and allowed myself to perceive myself as different from other beings due to being a foreigner in the country, instead of seeing myself as one and equal and embracing the perceived differences as and within myself.

When and as I read a text I breathe. I do not allow ideas and perceptions within and as myself of words conveying something benevolent or hurtful. I realize the time delay to be a period wherein I am allowing to project meaning into the words. I stop projecting myself into words. Instead I allow myself to embrace the word equal and one with me.

When and as I realize a time delay between the recognition of the word as such and the meaning of it, I stop myself and breathe. I face myself within and as the meaning I have projected onto the word and release it with sf until I am clear within and as it. I embrace myself within and as the word. I embrace myself within and as the context and actual meaning of the word.