I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Reincarnation and Infinity

"Reincarnation is infinity recycled. It only accumulates karma, without you ever learning anything, but survival and self-deception. And the world and the ages is proof of it. Check out history. Change your story with Desteni. Join us!"

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

EMS-What if I don't want to work for 4 years?

What if I don’t want to work for 4 years?

What degree of effort is a system worth that provides you with unconditional support with respect to your basic needs so you can live your life to your full enjoyment unstifled by demands of a labour market wherein you have to be competitive, have to accumulate knowledge, manipulate your expression and presentation, your image and reputation - the list goes on. The Equal Money System will supply you with the freedom from all these life inhibiting elements and aspects. To make this work for everyone and to be a part in this grand support system which will become humanity’s new life-respecting self-expression as Earthlings, one makes a statement of accepting and allowing oneself as and within it by contributing some time to the system as oneself of sharing group activities directed at creating and maintaining organic produce and other necessities of life which are then distributed to all equally.

The conscriptive nature of this contribution to the group might sound like a draft to the army and a subjection to exercises of forced labour as in military camps. No!

This is not combat training, drills nor hard senseless physical work. It will be fun to actually experience oneself in a group of peers that work hand in hand toward providing the basic support for the world as oneself.

The equal money system is an opportunity to live a dignified life. If you don’t want to work for 4 years you will obviously not partake in the support the system provides and will have to struggle for survival within the current system to generate income till the end while others are actually supporting themselves and the group as themselves. There will obviously be a range of tasks, jobs and professions where one can pitch in and be part of the group effort meaning it won’t be hard manual labour that is being alluded to here. And it makes sense to do the work as a contribution to quality that is valued and needed. Thus you are able to respect yourself by doing this work, in contrast to the nonsensicality of most jobs in this world that produce nothing of quality or usefulness.

Here are some examples of tasks that are needed to provide for the basics:

  • The manufacturing of clothing
  • The building and maintaining of housing & living infrastructure
  • Energy production, such as electricity
  • Providing clean drinking water
  • Sewage system building and maintenance
  • Agriculture/Food production and distribution
  • Education and schooling
  • Health care
  • Organization/Administration
  • Computer and software
  • Research, etc.

See that one would actually be harming oneself by standing apart from what is best for all as the universe is a group and if you are making the statement of yourself not willing or able to be part of the group who would you be? What consequences would you be allowing within and as yourself? Nothing and no one will force anybody. Not seeing that you would be choosing a system of having to fight for survival over a life of ease and enjoyment together with equals that allow and accept you as themselves would be pure stupidity.

You would be taking the same position as a child stating he has no motivation to wash or feed himself. He hasn’t allowed himself to understand it is necessary to be done as a matter of self-support and also because it is enjoyable! It’s simply a part of ‘taking care of oneself’. Though, to wash and feed yourself, you would actually require water/food that comes out of your tap and garden, respectively. And because you live in a community and you understand that everyone would benefit from having water and a cultivated garden, you understand that it would be far more effective to have one coordinated system of providing these things for everyone, instead of each individually having to sort out their water-issues by themselves and do the cultivation alone. So within the community you come to an agreement as to who will take responsibility for making sure there is food and water. This is basic common sense. It has nothing to do with profit calculations as in the current system, but with looking after oneself in the understanding that ‘what is best for all, is best for me’. The same procedure can be applied to any requirement that would then form a public service.

Thus it is a matter of common sense to support the group as you are thus supporting yourself one and equal.

With which country can we make war if borders no longer exist?

With which country can we make war if borders no longer exist?

This question is stated within and as the belief that countries need to go to war, that war is in any way justified in this world.

In which way is war being justified by the leaders of nations and why do beings go along with these justifications? What is being stipulated here?

One point is – as the question already implies – a necessity of protecting borders. Borders are territorial claims of leaders of peoples that have proclaimed the rights over a piece of land in the name of their people; people who have seemingly by chance and due to historical events, which in turn had been induced by rulers of various kinds in tacit or open consent, come to be of the respective self-proclaimed nationality/identity.

So where does the idea/need to protect one’s border come from? A need for protection is always rooted in fear. We accept and allow fear of being ‘run over’ by foreign races and strange cultures, fear of thus losing our identity, being only a part of a gene pool that is not pure within the idea that it is essential to uphold a certain specific purity of race and blood as/within a fascist and/or spiritualistic vein in humanity which was fed by occult doctrines and movements. Also already in Celtic and other tribal societies the need was seen to protect oneself of being raided of goods, resources and to protect the females from being raped or abducted because of their beauty, child-bearing abilities and other features that seemed attractive and desirable. Thus, we have here the need to control what one believes one is in possession of, so it will not be taken away and lost, wherein we would feel diminished and less fit to survive.

Further there is the motive of making profit to secure one’s power and position of influence. Thus war will be a method to get one’s hands on something that another nation, country or people has or dwells on, as the borders of the respective country encompass the desired resource, such as for instance oil. Profit means power in our system, thus natural and artificially created resources mean power and the nations that rule over such resources can continue to profit by and through manipulation. Waging war to that end is justified by fabricating intentions and acts of aggression directed against oneself by a declared enemy so as to make defensive measures necessary.

There also exists the well-known phenomenon of economic upswing after and through war, wherein a people is uprooted and catapulted out of the framework of comfort and the daily work routine done within one’s comfort zones, due to the terrors and destruction of war, which then makes a fight for survival necessary and thus affords summoning of great effort by all to rebuild a certain specific status quo of living standard; drawing in its wake new foundations, laws and eventually growth.

So apparently fear and destruction cause growth and economic upswing. At least this is a point through which war is being justified.

Now back to the originally stated question of which country to make war with if borders no longer exist.

This is to ask:

1)how will we create economic growth, 2) how will we handle our fear of the unknown reflected by the perceived strangeness of other cultures and 3) how will the nation we identify ourselves with remain in power, i.e. how will I be able to maintain my national identity and how to tackle the fear of losing something, thus being at a disadvantage, and ultimately generally 4) how to handle self-interest that is inherent in every being?

And of course there is the point of suppressed aggression that is created by allowing ourselves to be ruled over and manipulated – what valve will we find for this energy on a global scale when wars are off limits?

In an Equal Money System there will be no need for economic growth as there will be no competitive markets, no system based on competition (1). Facing the fear of the unknown will find be facilitated by the awareness that we are equal and one, that all we are facing is actually us; herein programs such as the Desteni I Process (DIP) have been created to support in walking through these points (2). Also with the point of national identity and power the DIP and other processes of bringing to awareness that these are elements that the mind consciousness system constructs itself of and draws energy from when we participate in its design will prove to be of great value and support (3). Eventually seeing within the Equal Money System that everybody gets the same and is treated equally with respect to the world’s resources, self-interest will not be participated in, as one will realize it is not necessary and one will come to see that one would actually be cheating and diminishing oneself by allowing oneself in and as self-interest(4). Taking self-responsibility will gradually reveal what one has allowed and accepted and will enable one to stand up and self-direct, thus stopping manipulation and taking back one’s power to act without fear within and as common sense - instead of continuing to succumb to powerlessness and overwhelm wherein we can be horded and directed like sheep.

Looking at and within ourselves as the source of the world situation we will eventually stop aggression as we realize it is us we are aggressing against. We will stop raging a war within ourselves, thus there will be no need for external warfare as ourselves. Everything has been inverted as now we will see and face our own RAWness that we expressed as and within the WARs we engaged in.

Continuous and self-engaged work on self will have to conducted to live in peace with oneself so one is able to live in peace with one’s neighbour and to be able to love him as oneself as to eradicate the desire/need for war as the expression of inner conflict and friction due to back chat and self-aggrandizement and the polarity of self-deprecation, which has been lived within and as the raging/waging of wars in this world. Thus the EMS will be the first step in this endeavour to stop ourselves, so one be free to sort oneself out and re-align oneself to life and love by way of self-purification with self-forgiveness and self-corrective action towards self-appreciation as and within life as oneself and as the other as oneself.

Will models as girls starving themselves exist in an EMS?

Will ‘models’ as girls starving themselves to have ‘the perfect figure’ to model clothes still continue to exist in EMS?

When we look at the beings on the runway, what do we see?

Starvation. Anorexia. Abuse. Tinyness. Childlike shoulders. Fragility. Skeletons. The call resonating in our ears and minds from the media to ‘Become really skinny!’ Events of death after fasting:2006, Luisel Ramos and Ana Carolina Reston who died from an infection related to anorexia. Horrific abuse of the physical as if to spite those in this world that cannot choose not to eat because they have nothing they could eat. This is the face of capitalism running down the catwalk. Fashion industry proclaiming the ideal of womanhood of thinner and thinner and thinner in a statement of denying that which is keeping us ‘alive’ within and as our physicality here on Earth, our one connection to reality.

Why do beings look toward ideals, be it the latest craze in fashion or figure: pro-anorexia, heroin-chic and hollowed-out eyes? Who have we become to focus on images of physical and mental self-abuse as something worth striving for and copying? Why the promotion of self-emaciation and generally unhealthy standards in magazines, TV and on the internet, such as ‘Make a commitment to your goal. If you are not committed to being runway thin, then you will be easily stumbled when food temptations arise. Eat less--a lot less!’

Why do models exist in the first place? Is the decision to be a model born from free choice? What is the perfect figure? Who says what is perfect? Why should one want to have ‘the perfect figure’? Who and what is being served by the existence of models and the idea of perfection? Why is there something like a fashion industry with fashion designers? Fashion as a way to serve changing consumer tastes? Is there a consumer desire being served? Is there a need? Is there a physical need being fulfilled or a program impulsed, a hidden agenda? Does it serve life? Is it best for all?

Our attention is being controlled. Bombarded with images of bizarre, extreme emaciation with scant or luscious, abstruse and often absolutely impractical manufactured ‘work of art’ as design/fashion that has nothing in common with commodity clothing , convenience or self-expression. We are being manipulated and brainwashed. Industries are being served, capitalism is supported. And again a select few profit immensely. Polarities are being fed to keep us within the imprisonment of the system by creating desires of wealth and money to also be able to play the game of ‘beauty’ and comply with standards dictated by the fashion gurus of the age, decade or year.

The phenomenon is an echo of Greek and Roman times when Aristocracy emerged as a form of government in which few elite citizens rule presenting themselves as the best-qualified, privileged by birth and often by wealth. Aristocracy stood in contrast to monarchy and to the common plebs. Thus the use of good cloth and fabric and stature to stand out and rise above commonality, ignorance of the uneducated classes and to that time even against royalty. Today, the underlying desire to be associated with ‘privilege’ and ‘best quality’ is expressed in haute couture and submitting oneself to a certain specific fashion statement, which is, in a nutshell: the desire to be superior/special. And this is what is being tapped, used and marketed. The desire to be superior in turn springs from the fear of being common, being equal to what one despises, what one doesn’t have control over and thus wants to stand separate from and protect oneself from. Poverty, disease, ignorance; whatever the Ancient Greeks and Romans had already projected onto the lower classes, still runs in our blood, is imprinted in our water – the fear of being ruled over, succumbing to a self-perception of inferiority and fear for one’s reputation – ultimately fear of not being able to survive within society, fear of death.

In wanting to stand out from the masses, one fears the addiction to food as the compensation one often enough allows for the separation within oneself from life and goes into the polarity of and as thinness and self-emaciation as a search for control and feeling of power over the physical needs of one’s body, of life. The ‘perfect figure’ as we are now meant to believe is one of emaciation, that, as always regardless of the currently created ‘trend’, should portray ‘I have self-control’, ‘I am in control’, ‘I am superior’, ‘I am special’, ‘I am above life and its demands’, ‘I’ve got it made’, ‘I am like the Elite’, ‘I am rich and wealthy’, ‘I am in’, ‘I am cool’.

Shockingly enough, female and also male teenagers are so brainwashed by shows such as ‘Germany’s next top model’ and world-wide talent shows that a drivenness and addiction is created within the desire to be special - special enough - to be (ab-)used in the machinery of top-model agencies, shows and broadcasting media. The youth seem to lose all self-respect throwing themselves into the jaws of ruthless fashion agencies and corporations to be used as a product, an object to increase their profit investment ratio.

Obviously, in an EMS the desire for this expression and seeming compensation for control over one’s life within specialness and superiority that breeds self-abuse and abuse by others will be faced. One reason will be the support given psychologically and the growing awareness for the abuse that is inherent within these allowances and acceptances of and as oneself as ‘models’ and the fashion industry in general. The other reason will be the circumstance that it is not possible to gain any kind of profit within the EMS, as due to the changed economic structure all basic needs will be taken care of and capitalism will thus find its end. Money will have the value of life and so one will stand equal to life and will face oneself within and as the aspects one has given one’s expression and self-respect as life away to desires, ideas, and images and, of course, fear of not being accepted.

Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

The Design of Society Unified Field

The Design of Society Unified Field

This is the design of society unified field communicating about the design of myself of the unified consciousness field. Now, I’m pretty certain everyone has got a very, very clear perspective on what exactly is the unified consciousness field, so I’ll continue with this specific design of myself in how I contain human beings within a specific pattern of behavior. Now, I’m certain many human beings have heard about the, what is referred to as the Elite in the world. An interesting question that should be asked is: ‘Is it really possible for individual governments within individual countries to have the ability to have directive power and control of their countries, or is there someone or something behind it all, in the background, knowing exactly what to do, having each country have a president, have a government, have a law?’ If you have a look, each and every single country has exactly the same placement; yes, each and every single country might not be in the exact same position, but, if you look at the foundation upon which each and every single country is established upon, it is exactly the same, so obviously, there must be something with someone behind this all that is directly participating and knowing how exactly to herd the sheep, which is this entire world and human beings within it. Now understand, I am certain that there are many human beings that are relatively tired of hearing you are sheep, but you will continue hearing it until you realize it, because you are only able to become irritated, angry and frustrated at such a statement unless you stand up and actually do something about it. So the irritation, anger and frustration will grow until you start realizing these beings might have a point. And there are many human beings in this world that have specifically voiced themselves, insights, perspectives, but that’s the problem with this world, you don’t hear, you don’t act and you don’t stand up. Now, let’s look at society for instance: The entire world’s behavior has been controlled, directed, influenced - human beings - what you eat, what you buy, what you wear, what you think, what you experience, the house you build, the house you choose, the car you buy, the car you choose, starting a family, the school you choose for your children, the education system, what your children learn, the books they read, the books you read, the jobs you do, the universities you go to, the movies you watch, the television series you enjoy, everything - is not real. Imagine for a moment, I’ll refer to it as ‘wake up’ and you realize that everything that you have ever done, each and every single movement has been controlled, delegated, directed, programmed within you and nothing of that you were was real, that it was a lie. Now, back to the Elite of the world. The Elite is but the manifestation, the outer projected manifestation of the mind within and as human beings. Now, what is keeping human beings enslaved by the mind is the unified consciousness field created by all human beings collectively through the connection and interconnectiveness of the unconscious mind. Now for instance the Elite know very much about socialism, society in its entirety, therefore they are what they are, because they are the outer projected manifestation of the mind. They know exactly what they’re doing and how they’re doing it, just like the mind within and as human beings, the mind as the unified consciousness field created together with the human beings knows exactly what it’s doing, it’s specific. Just like the Elite is specific. Thus human beings stop being of the norm, stop hiding inside your homes, stop fearing death, we know that death is inevitable for all, what do you think society is being controlled with, fear of death. As long as you fear death, you are able to be controlled, you are able to be directed. The same goes with the mind, therefore we are here to stop the mind, all parts of us, the designs, systems, everything. We’re not your enemy. We’re here to speak out and show you what you and who you have accepted and allowed yourself to become. And just take this into consideration that one day you will be a child and come into this world again, what world would you want to come into? Within a child you have the power and you have the ability to make a difference, to stop what has been accepted and allowed within this world by stopping your mind through a process of self-forgiveness, self-honesty and self-corrective application in every moment. And each human being has to do this for themselves individually. We’re not here to start a movement, we’re not here to start an organization. That’s not what we’re about. We’re here to give… to have each and every single human being realize that you have to stand up individually for yourself. And we’ll make you angry, we’ll make you frustrated as much as possible, we’ll irritate you as much as possible, until you use that anger, that frustration and that irritation, that absolute fed-up-ness, hopelessness – you use it and you stand up and you say to here, no further. You wanna stop this world and what has currently been manifested and experienced, allowed and accepted – stop your own mind. It is really simple. Thank you very much. This is the design of the unified society field. Enjoy.