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Dienstag, 13. März 2012

2012 - 'Love' as living word and how we currently live it

‘Love’ read backwards becomes ‘evol’/’evil’ and this is in fact how we are currently living ourselves as ‘love': in a way that it doesn’t prove its existence as life, but is in fact an idea of the mind within and as self-interest, as one ‘loves’ from the starting point of fear of being alone, from a state of dependency and inferiority - and is thus lived as a form of self-abuse that becomes the evil of and in the world reflecting one’s fight for power over another as compensation.

Within this we seek exclusivity, ‘Love’ is being lived within and as self-importance/ego, within exclusivity as a feeling toward someone particular, alone within one’s mind – which is a far shot from the sensory=real kind of love as for example of food or specific smells and touch.

Further, ‘love’ becomes something you say to your partner to state that you feel attached (dependent) and connected, because of one’s allowance to create and participate in a relationship personality and entity which one submits oneself to by way of manipulating the other and oneself for the sake of ‘the relationship’.

Herein feelings play a major role that one creates within and projects outward onto the person as if it were him/her that makes one feel ‘love’ within oneself and eventually one starts craving this delusionary state of heightened energy as feeling and one is continually focused on that alone, never minding what is really going on around and as/within him/her.

In the following I’m placing some quotes by Bernard and Sunette to add more perspective to how we live ‘love’, what ‘love is not’, what actual love is able to be lived as, the feature of it reflecting our existence back to us to show the true nature of how we are actually living ourselves as ‘love’ and some other points in relation to it:

Sunette: "I am Love" is only making "I" into love - and in this world, we are all together in equality and oneness as how we've created/manifested this world together and still do - so "I am love" has not effect/impact on reality in any way as only "I" is considered in the mInd.”

Bernard Poolman: “Love is NOT an experience --it is aliving reality you participate in with another being”

Sunette: “ Love - to not give up on yourself or others/existence - but willing to stand no matter what, to not accept and allow anything less than the principle of/as what's best for all and be willing to take the risks/actions necessary to get this done.”

Bernard Poolman: “Love praactically is also what parents claim they do when they correct a child --if only they would direct the child in the correct directio which is what is best for all life”

Bernard Poolman: “Tough love is what existence is now exponentially imposing on the physical to force the eyes open of those asleep in consciousness.”

Bernard Poolman: “You will also note that those that are possessed by love will refuse to consider anything else but that love is the answer --and there will be no practical way they can explain how love will change the world and regardless of this obvious oversight, their egos will spew one word like magic poison --love will heal the world -- they should watch the news to see that the only love on the Telly is the love the corporations are promoting as love for their products.”

Thus, investigate ‘Equal Money’ to see how this will be the foundation and act of real love as compassion and support of everyone equally as the best for all in all ways possible.

Find the self-support course at http://desteniiprocess.com and further support material at the online bookstore eqafe!