I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Samstag, 31. März 2012

2012 - Einheit und Gleichheit allen Lebens

Bei der ‚Desteni‘ Bewegung spricht man oft von ‚Einheit und Gleichheit allen Lebens‘. Was heißt das?

Wir sind eine Einheit als Menschheit, weil wir alle Menschen sind, und wir sind eins als Leben, da das unser Ursprung ist, das, was uns alle als Wesen auszeichnet.

Doch worin liegt die Gleichheit? Sind wir eigentlich gleich? Inwiefern sind wir gleich?

Hiermit soll ausgedrückt werden, dass wir in und als unsere Essenz gleich sind, als die Quelle unseres Seins, als wer wir eigentlich sind. Es gibt nur ein Leben – das Leben, das in allem ist; das Leben, das Ich bin, die Quelle von mir.

Wenn also alle ‚Leben‘ sind und wir daher alle dahingehend eine Einheit darstellen, sind wir gleich in und als diese Einheit, sonst wären wir keine.

Also ist es naheliegend zu folgern, dass das, was für mich als Leben das Beste ist, grundsätzlich genau das gleiche ist, was für alle Wesen als Leben Hier das Beste ist. Wenn man jetzt dagegen einlegen würde, dass für jeden etwas anderes das Beste ist, weil jeder unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse hat, dann sprächen wir hier von ‚eingebildeten/kopfgesteuerten Bedürfnissen‘, von solchen, die uns durch unsere gesellschaftliche ‚Evolution‘ zum Medienrezipienten und Produktkonsumenten hin indoktriniert wurden. Wir sind einem derartigen Brainwashing ausgesetzt, dass wir uns mit diesen suggerierten Bedürfnissen schon oftmals ganz und gar identifiziert haben.

Doch sobald wir von eigenen Bedürfnissen sprechen, deren Erfüllung nur das Beste für mich allein bedeuten, haben wir uns vom Leben als Quelle getrennt, da wir sagen: „Ich will das und ich will dabei nichts und niemanden berücksichtigen!“ oder „Ich bin mir das wert, ich brauch das halt!“ Die Basis der Einheit und Gleichheit allen Lebens ist hat zwar aufgrund der Tatsache, dass man Leben ist, noch Gültigkeit, doch man lebt sich in und als Trotz dem Leben gegenüber und trennt sich so von seiner eigenen Quelle und will das nicht sehen.

Man schafft in sich einen Konflikt und existiert als dieser Konflikt zu sich, anstatt sich als ‚Einheit und Gleichheit‘ als Lebensausdruck zu erlauben. Denn eigentlich sagt das Verlangen etwas, das nur für einem selbst das Beste ist, ohne eben alle anderen in Betracht zu ziehen, aus, dass man sich als getrennt vom Rest erfährt. Man nimmt den arroganten Standpunkt ein, der aussagt man will sich über den ‚Rest‘ der Menschheit/des Lebens erheben oder gewisser Weise davon losbrechen. Doch das geht nicht, denn eben der Ursprung seines Selbst ist ja auch der Ursprung und die Quelle der Anderen. Es liegt eine innere Abspaltung, ein Konflikt vor, die/der zur Kernaussage des Menschen wird, weil er sich als diese individuelle Meinung, dieses Verlangen oder Bedürfnis erlaubt, darauf beharrt und für sich umzusetzen versucht.

Jeder lebt so in seiner eigenen Realität der Abspaltung von dem was eigentlich real und wirklich ist, und dieser gelebte eigene Konflikt mit sich als Quelle manifestiert sich im Außen als Konflikt mit dem Anderen. Und so versucht man mit dieser Erfahrung des Getrenntseins klarzukommen und Frieden zu finden, indem man ‚gefühlvolle‘ Beziehungen zu anderen herstellt - sprich Gefühle der Verbundenheit werden mit den entsprechenden Gedanken kreiert und auf den/die Auserwählte(n) projiziert. Doch ebendiese weisen genau auf die Existenz der Aspekte der Nicht-Verbundenheit = Trennung hin, die wiederum als Konflikt wahrgenommen, kompensiert oder unterdrückt wird.

Dieser Konflikt wird erst enden, wenn wir alle erkennen, dass wir in Einheit und Gleichheit Hier sind: eins als Leben/gleich als Leben. Daraus ergibt sich dann die Erkenntnis, dass was das Beste für alle ist auch das Beste für mich ist und vice versa. Dann sieht man, dass alle ‚eigenen‘ Vorstellungen, ‚Bedürfnisse‘, Verlangen nicht echt waren, sondern nur als Versuch sich getrennt von allem zu halten, sodass ich meine eigene Realität haben kann und auf niemanden sonst ‚als eins und gleich mit mir als Leben‘ Rücksicht nehmen muss.

Beziehungen, die sich eigentlich in und als Trennung zu sich selbst in Form des eigenen Bezugs zum Anderen manifestieren, werden aufhören, da ein Ausgangspunkt von Einheit und Gleichheit bezogen wird, von dem aus eine Existenz des Selbst als Leben Hier möglich ist. Leben ist was Wert hat und wenn jeder gleichermaßen als Leben hier existiert, dann muss nichts mehr verteidigt werden, keine Werte oder Bedürfnisse gerechtfertigt werden, da wir uns im anderen und als der andere ‚in Einheit und Gleichheit des Lebens‘ erkennen.

Jeder von uns ist wesentlich für ein gleichgerechtes und friedliches Leben auf der Erde und es fängt bei der Erfahrungswelt eines jeden einzelnen an. Darin müssen wir uns als der Schöpfer dieser Realität in uns erkennen, dass wir dafür verantwortlich sind und sehen, was wir dadurch in uns zulassen: eine Trennung von dem wer-wir-wirklich-sind, unser aller Quelle, Leben.

Wir müssen jeden Bezugspunkt in uns abgehen, da wir uns durch das Erlauben und Akzeptieren als solchen von uns getrennt haben und uns in einem Bezug zu anderen und dadurch zu uns gelebt haben – als könnten wir mit diesem Vorgehen die Realität schadlos und geschützt wahrnehmen. Und so ist dieses In-Bezug-Gehen zu unserer individuellen Realität geworden, die nichts mehr mit der durch unsere Sinne real-erfahrbaren Welt zu tun hat. Die verheerenden Konsequenzen, die wir dadurch angehäuft haben, sind überall auf der Welt um uns unverkennbar sichtbar und erfahrbar.

Hören wir auf als dieser Konfliktpunkt in Bezug zu allem und jedem in unserer Welt zu existieren, dann braucht es keine Kontrolle und keine Verteidigung mehr, weil wir eins und gleich mit allen Aspekten unserer eigenen Schöpfung stehen und wissen, dass wir die erste Ursache sind. Wir existieren als alle Punkte und so können wir uns eine Richtung vorgeben, die das Beste für alle hervorbringt, da wir uns selbst als Einheit und Gleichheit des Lebens / als Leben erkennen.

Für mehr Information besucht das Desteni Forum: www.desteni.org.

Gebt eure Stimme für ein gleichgerechtes Geldsystem: http://equalmoney.org



Der Desteni – I – Process ist ein Internet Kurs, in dem Strukturen und Tools vermittelt werden, die einen unentbehrlichen Leitfaden im Prozess der Selbstrealisation darstellen. Die Unterstützung erfolgt auf der Basis eines Buddy Systems mit regelmäßigem Kontakt und Feedback zu eingereichten Unterrichtsaufträgen und unschätzbar wertvollen Materialien: http://desteniiprocess.com

Samstag, 24. März 2012

2012 Abolishing filters of perception and self-sabotage

I am amazed by what I realized in working on the backchat assignment from the desteni I process. Here I first had to find an instance or event that I had experienced between the ages of 4 to 11. I came up with an inner picture/memory of walking past some people lying and obviously living in the streets in Mexico City, begging. The construct we are looking at is one that will reveal how one is creating and programming oneself as one’s mind within the family-system/culture upon the principle of ‘as within, so without’.

So within walking the timeline of this memory based on a structure that allows for a placement of elements of the memory in alignment with certain specific turning points, points of change, decision and reasoning, I was able to see, understand and realize the extent to which I had manipulated myself in and into playing a polarity game and how I was getting myself to move through the polarity of superiority and inferiority, changing my self-experience of discontentment at seeing the people begging, lying and living in the streets into a stance of ‘being better than them, because I know better’ by having trusted and consequently taken on my mom’s statement/opinion and attitude of them ‘not getting anywhere’ because they ‘spend their money immediately once they have some’.

I was able to see how I had been living myself in and as this polarity of superiority and inferiority, on the one hand by not really having solved the initial point of discontent within and as me of seeing the people in the street in those circumstances and giving the experience direction from a starting point of self within common sense, but instead suppressing the point and placing myself as superior within and as the point of information and knowledge as ‘spending money immediately doesn’t get you anywhere’ – on the other hand, ultimately creating fear around the experience and diminishing myself to follow ‘rules’/’ knowledge’/ ‘information’ based on trusting another’s experiences over myself where I am unable to look for myself created myself as inferior to the situation and experience.

I now see the ways this initial experience and my acceptances around it had been influencing decisions I made in my daily life wherein I had actually allowed myself in and as the starting point of fear of living as these people I had seen as a child and then again feeling superior in my actions and decisions where I, for example, back-chatted that I had to take advantage of the situation on the basis of and as avoidance of ‘spending too much money immediately’.

Now, I when and as I see one of these certain, specific points come up within or ‘without’ I stop and breathe. I realize and recognize them as self-created and am able to see the situation without the filter of ‘getting somewhere or not’ and change my starting point to one of self-honest self-direction within and as common sense within what is best for all.

So far this course has supported me immensely in seeing how I had manipulated, sabotaged and diminished myself and how to stop and change my starting point to one that considers the best for all in all ways by abolishing the filters of perception and limitation within oneself, which in turn allows for eventual external change toward a ‘better’ world for all equally.

Visit the desteni-I-process page for more information and the desteni forums for discussions and immediate support. Also find a huge amount of awesome and very reveiling life reviews and history accounts of the portal, dimensional beings and many more in mp3 and pdf format on eqafe!

For faq and discussions on the equal money system go to http://equalmoney.org!

Dienstag, 13. März 2012

2012 - 'Love' as living word and how we currently live it

‘Love’ read backwards becomes ‘evol’/’evil’ and this is in fact how we are currently living ourselves as ‘love': in a way that it doesn’t prove its existence as life, but is in fact an idea of the mind within and as self-interest, as one ‘loves’ from the starting point of fear of being alone, from a state of dependency and inferiority - and is thus lived as a form of self-abuse that becomes the evil of and in the world reflecting one’s fight for power over another as compensation.

Within this we seek exclusivity, ‘Love’ is being lived within and as self-importance/ego, within exclusivity as a feeling toward someone particular, alone within one’s mind – which is a far shot from the sensory=real kind of love as for example of food or specific smells and touch.

Further, ‘love’ becomes something you say to your partner to state that you feel attached (dependent) and connected, because of one’s allowance to create and participate in a relationship personality and entity which one submits oneself to by way of manipulating the other and oneself for the sake of ‘the relationship’.

Herein feelings play a major role that one creates within and projects outward onto the person as if it were him/her that makes one feel ‘love’ within oneself and eventually one starts craving this delusionary state of heightened energy as feeling and one is continually focused on that alone, never minding what is really going on around and as/within him/her.

In the following I’m placing some quotes by Bernard and Sunette to add more perspective to how we live ‘love’, what ‘love is not’, what actual love is able to be lived as, the feature of it reflecting our existence back to us to show the true nature of how we are actually living ourselves as ‘love’ and some other points in relation to it:

Sunette: "I am Love" is only making "I" into love - and in this world, we are all together in equality and oneness as how we've created/manifested this world together and still do - so "I am love" has not effect/impact on reality in any way as only "I" is considered in the mInd.”

Bernard Poolman: “Love is NOT an experience --it is aliving reality you participate in with another being”

Sunette: “ Love - to not give up on yourself or others/existence - but willing to stand no matter what, to not accept and allow anything less than the principle of/as what's best for all and be willing to take the risks/actions necessary to get this done.”

Bernard Poolman: “Love praactically is also what parents claim they do when they correct a child --if only they would direct the child in the correct directio which is what is best for all life”

Bernard Poolman: “Tough love is what existence is now exponentially imposing on the physical to force the eyes open of those asleep in consciousness.”

Bernard Poolman: “You will also note that those that are possessed by love will refuse to consider anything else but that love is the answer --and there will be no practical way they can explain how love will change the world and regardless of this obvious oversight, their egos will spew one word like magic poison --love will heal the world -- they should watch the news to see that the only love on the Telly is the love the corporations are promoting as love for their products.”

Thus, investigate ‘Equal Money’ to see how this will be the foundation and act of real love as compassion and support of everyone equally as the best for all in all ways possible.

Find the self-support course at http://desteniiprocess.com and further support material at the online bookstore eqafe!

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

2012 Peace as a state of mind vs. living peace as breath = directing points of conflict into stability as breath

The next word I’m looking into is ‘peace’

Here I’m looking into the word ‘peace’ based on a Destonian chat.

Peace --- Piece / a piece of

Peace as an idea like ‘inner peace’ and ‘peace of mind’ where nothing is ‘bothering’ me. I perceive nothing to be ‘solved’ - thus there is no perception of a ‘problem’ – I’m participating in a piece of mind’ wherein there is nothing to be acted on or reacted to as a perception, an inner state of separation - often tried to be reached by/through sitting in meditation quieting the mind, which doesn’t create real peace but is actually self-suppression – something that one does alone and in separation of self into an energetic state. The moment one opens the eyes, one is in the reality of this world that is the total opposite, and thus in fact no closer to the equilibrium as living quality for all equally, physically, as best for all. It simply doesn’t last because self-created within the mind, in a bubble - it’s not here for all.

Therefore inner peace - when deliberately sought out in and through the mind - can be seen as a state of denial wherein one actually states that one is overwhelmed with self’s acceptances and allowances that one doesn’t want to face and direct toward a solution that supports all equally.

There’s the political concept of ‘peace’ as opposed to ‘war’, thus peace requires war to exist and will be used to ‘ap-pease’ our inner and outer horrors of war.

Living peace would be silent within and as the mind, as an actual expression as calmness opposed to just an isolated inner experience – calmness because there is no need to fight for survival – a basis which will be established and provided by Equal Money that ensures a decent life for everyone, a system that is so peace producing that no one wants to disturb the peace because they enjoy it so much.

Sunette: “Peace - breathing, living breath in the physical as stability so that there is always equilibrium and assisting/supporting others to walk the same - in conflict/friction, walk the point into/as stability as practical solution as breath and be a living example”

Peace – breathing – walking points into stability as practical solution as breath!

Take the desteni-I-process course and support self in facing what is here as self, to stop, and establish yourself as breath – the living of peace as the living word in every moment!

Samstag, 10. März 2012

The difference between ‘joy’ as a feeling and ‘joy’ as the living expression of self

Here I’m reiterating points that were presented and discussed on ‘living words’ on a recent Destonian chat with Bernard Poolman and Sunette Spies, which I am in part placing in my own words and in part as excerpts – the word that is specifically being looked into is ‘joy’.

When I say ‘I am joy’ and I experience it as a feeling of joy, it is like I am placing myself onto a planet of my own, thus separating myself into a state of self-created fantasy while the world is in a mess. It is self-created when experienced as an energy, a feeling and it happens in total isolation on the terms that require me to accept the world the way it is without question and action.

Taken into the physical action as the living word, joy is no longer a mental masturbation feeling and it becomes ‘enjoy’, the physical experience that involves two or more beings regardless of it being human or not. Enjoying yourself alone is not possible – what you’re actually doing when you consider yourself to be enjoying yourself alone is creating an illusion in the mind which you call ‘joy’. It is an idea which you can even get others to agree with you that you are full of joy. This is, however not real. Above all it will allow suffering to become accepted: the pursuit of joy for oneself regardless of others suffering, instead of working towards a situation wherein everyone can enjoy what is given by the sun the earth – what is here.

Only those with money will be able to create a state of joy as energy because this is what allows you to separate yourself from the real world in sitting within a self-created illusion wherein you project yourself into a reality which exists only for you and on your terms, where you dictate and ignore all life that is actually here with you by going into a ‘feel-good’ experience all alone. Come a time when they don’t have food, money, a home their joy will turn into sorrow. The great argument toward those in sorrow is they didn’t do it right and are simply losers – however, this sorrow is just the flip side of the coin and thus, when you allow joy you also allow sorrow – the two are partners.

But --- you can enjoy the food, the touch, the dog, planting and watering the garden, the conversation, the company, dancing, breathing, writing, the sun, drinking water, walking, coffee, running, the wind in my face, singing, swimming, eating, cycling, cooking, reading, creating a song, mud between the toes, music, writing, drawing, etc.

Bernard Poolman: “There are many things to enjoy and this enjoyment should not be without the dedication to create a world where everyone have equal access to enjoy themselves. This enjoyment happens in the present awareness as breath. The moment you think, the enjoyment is no longer as you have moved into the alternate reality where only you exist and where everything else must follow your dictatorship. Joy only exist in consciousness and not in life. Consciousness is just energy something produced by life - it is not life - it is a by-product that return to its source to be available again in some form to be enjoyed by life. Consciousness made it the exclusive realm of self deception. In consciousness joy is the ability to separate yourself so completely from life here that you can deny all the guilt and shame for what has been allowed on earth. Watch out for the ones that teach joy, they also teach prosperity and only want your money. With an equal money system, there will no longer exist the need to deceive another for money and survival as all will have access to enjoy themselves. The world is given to all to enjoy, but some have conquered it made it the exclusive realm of money and the mind. With equal money we will create a world where all can and will enjoy themselves. Then the world will be a place to enjoy. Not as feeling, but a place where enjoyment is a living of the living word. Study Desteni and equal money and make the world a place where all will enjoy life!!”

For me, the way I had used the word ‘joy’ was within projection of future activities, adventures, travels, meeting people and seeing places in days to come, wherein I imagined myself enjoying something / experiencing joy towards and within an event. Or I considered the joy of having done something enjoyable, in this relating to my experience of something of the past and communicating it to someone. Thus ‘joy’ had always been something separate from me. It had never been me Here at the moment as a living expression of myself where I enjoyed myself in being Here with something/someone. Moreover, I participated in a thought as ‘I am enjoying myself / I’m enjoying this’ or ‘I am joy’ stated within the mind as reflecting upon myself that ‘it’s nice to do this’ in the moment of doing it – which is actually taking me away from the self-enjoyment of the moment here, separating me from myself.

Being here within breath in every moment thus not-participating in evaluating my here-moment nor projecting myself into past moments as memories of joy and future moments as anticipation, allows for self-enjoyment of self-expression of life here within and as the wholeness of who-I-am.

Visit the forums for discussions at www.desteni.org.

Self-support course: http://desteniiprocess.com