Natural Selection of Nature = Natural Selection in the World
by SunetteSpies » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:35 pm
Here we’ll be discussing how the Money-System of the World-System has been designed – equal-to and one with Charles Darwin’s Theory of ‘natural selection’, particularly looking at it within the context of the point of ‘Survival of the Fittest’.
How – through the Money-System, an environment, an ecology has been created, designed and manifested as the World-System – and populated with beings to ‘play the game’ of pre-programmed nature and ‘fight for survival’ through propagating their own programme of ‘natural selection’. And how the majority of the population is thus left to their vices, to ‘fight it out’ through their own design of natural selection in the game of ‘survival of the fittest’ as they expatiate the process of Evolution of Technology, of the world system – of money.
This, how the Money-System has been designed and programmed within the designed-programme of/as ‘natural selection’; so that the majority of the population in the World-System can expedite the process of Evolution through Money, while the minority of the Elite sit-back and reap the awards and the rest of humanity die-out.
Let’s have a more closer – yet basic and overview look at how the design of the Money-System stand equal-to and one with the programme of ‘Natural-Selection’, by standing within the premise of the Theory of Natural Selection.
We’ll be working with and looking at the following parallels:
Nature/Environment = World/Money-System
Animal/Organism Population = Human-Population
Survival of Living = Survival for Money
‘Survival of the Fittest’ in Nature = ‘Survival of the Fittest’ in World-System
Evolution of a species = Evolution of Technology
Here are some quotes from / of Charles Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural Selection’ that we’ll utilize to draw the parallels between ‘Natural Selection’ of Nature and ‘Natural Selection’ of the World-System. The World-System as a man-created environment, populated with human-beings – let loose like animals/organisms to ‘fight for survival’ in and through the money-system for the Elite of the System to maintain control of human-beings, of wealth and of power – while the majority of humanity as a whole, suffer into extinction and those of the minority of the population ‘evolving with the system’ through becoming the ‘fittest’ are the direct-cause of the polarity-separation that exist within the world as the pyramid of elite, wealthy, poor and starving.
For those that are not familiar with Charles Darwin’s theory of ‘Natural-Selection’:
“Theory of Natural Selection
In the 19th century, a man called Charles Darwin, a biologist from England, set off on the ship HMS Beagle to investigate species of the island.
After spending time on the islands, he soon developed a theory that would contradict the creation of man and imply that all species derived from common ancestors through a process called natural selection. Natural selection is considered to be the biggest factor resulting in the diversity of species and their genomes. The principles of Darwin's work and his theory are stated below.
• One of the prime motives for all species is to reproduce and survive, passing on the genetic information of the species from generation to generation. When species do this they tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.
• The lack of resources to nourish these individuals places pressure on the size of the species population, and the lack of resources means increased competition and as a consequence, some organisms will not survive.
• The organisms who die as a consequence of this competition were not totally random, Darwin found that those organisms more suited to their environment were more likely to survive.
• This resulted in the well known phrase survival of the fittest, where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times. (This phrase if often associated with Darwin, though on closer inspection Herbert Spencer puts the phrase in a more accurate historical context.)
• Those organisms who are better suited to their environment exhibit desirable characteristics, which is a consequence of their genome being more suitable to begin with.
This 'weeding out' of less suited organisms and the reward of survival to those better suited led Darwin to deduce that organisms had evolved over time, where the most desirable characteristics of a species are favoured and those organisms who exhibit them survive to pass their genes on.
As a consequence of this, a changing environment would mean different characteristics would be favourable in a changing environment. Darwin believed that organisms had 'evolved' to suit their environments, and occupy an ecological niche where they would be best suited to their environment and therefore have the best chance of survival.
As the above indicates, those alleles of a species that are favoured in the environment will become more frequent in the genomes of the species, due to the organisms higher likeliness of surviving as part of the species at large.” Biology-online (www.biology-online)
Through having a look at Darwin’s Theory of ‘Natural Selection’ in a ‘nutshell’ – the theory of evolution, as the theory of ‘natural selection’ as ‘survival of the fittest’ – interplay within the natural-environment through species and genetics as it interplay within the world-system through human-beings and money. Human-beings made equal-to and one with organism/species/population within a World-System as Environment – with Money as the Genes of the Human-Beings as Species/Organisms/Population; which is utilized in the process of evolution of the system; with human-beings thinking/believing it is them that is evolving, when all the while it’s Technology; the System evolving through them as pawns for the benefit of money in the Money-System of the World-System.
Let’s ‘break it down’ through having a look at individual parts within the quote above to illustrate the parallel between ‘Natural Selection’ in Nature and ‘Natural Selection’ in the World-System, and how we’re in fact, in our living-condition, equal-to and one with the animal-kingdom and have not in fact “evolved”:
“One of the prime motives for all species is to reproduce and survive, passing on the genetic information of the species from generation to generation. When species do this they tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.” Biology-online (www.biology-online)
This – obviously a situation manifesting in relation to us Humans, with the primary reason for living of most human-beings being to continue their legacy within the world through their children and so – we’ve been producing more offspring than the environment can support.
HOWEVER – what must be understood here is that – when we mention / speak of ‘environment’ within the above-context we definitely do not mean the “Earth / Natural Environment”. There is most certainly MORE than enough produce/resources available from/of the Earth to sufficiently, effectively and comfortably support all of humanity within this world.
The ‘environment’ we speak-of is the ‘environment’ as ‘closed-system’ that’s been created as the ‘World-System’ of and as Money, where produce and resources of/from the Earth are regulated, controlled and directed in accordance to the Value equated to/towards it in relation to Money, and so – because all resources/produce from/of the earth is controlled – what is produced from the resources from/of the earth is thus only ‘made available’ to those that can equal the value placed on it by/through Money. Thus – if you don’t have money, you can’t exist/survive within the ‘environment’ – that, even though the earth provide and have sufficient resources for all of humanity, because of and due to the design of the World-System, all of that is controlled by/through Money and will thus only have access to it if you have Money.
Therefore, in this world today – it’s not that human-beings are producing more offspring than the Natural Earth can support, it’s that the World-System is designed to only support the amount of human-beings that can obtain a bit of the amount of money that is in circulation within the World-System. If you don’t have a handful of the amount of money in circulation by, within and through the World-System – you’ll be those of the species that die-off and become extinct as one lose in the game of survival of the fittest, while the rest that ‘won’ continue with slaving for the evolution of the system, of Technology = of Money.
Now – you have the World-System ‘populated’ with a certain amount of human beings that have access to resources from the earth through being in the World-System with having Money – money as the relationship-tie to/towards their survival in this world. The population that currently populate the World-System as ‘Environment’ - continuing producing offspring within its primary biological motive of surviving as a species and so reproducing, causing the current amount of human-beings populating the World-System, to become “more” than the World-System as ‘Environment’ can support in relation to the amount of Money as Resources that is circulating/existing within the World-System as Environment.
This then causes the Money as resources of the World-System as Environment to be ‘spread thin’ throughout the Population as Species, thus drives the population to ‘obtain more’ Money and so spin the wheel for the games of the ‘fight for survival’; where the most ‘fit’ survive as those that can fight their way into and as secure-position within the world-system to sit-back and filter-in the money-movements towards them. As one can see here:
“The lack of resources to nourish these individuals places pressure on the size of the species population, and the lack of resources means increased competition and as a consequence, some organisms will not survive.” Biology-online (www.biology-online)
Obviously – this game of ‘fighting for survival’ is deliberately initiated by/through those that control the movement, circulation and supply of money within the world-system so that when resources as money become depleted / spread-out too thin due to the amount of human-beings that populate the world-system / have access to the resources as money, the supply as resources is momentarily throttled (a deliberate condition of ‘false lack’ is created to manifest the illusion of ‘lack,’ but the ‘lack’ is deliberately created only within the context of the World-System) so that the population scrounge, scurry and fight between and amongst themselves to remain/maintain within and as their positions in the world-system with their handful of money to continue existing/surviving; while those that lose their positions, lose their grip on their bit/handful of money, and as such fall out of the world-system and are left to their own vices. When one can’t get back into the game, they simply die-off and become extinct.
This shown here within the quote below, how the consequence of competition in the ‘game of survival’ does not manifest ‘random’ human-beings as organisms/species to die as a consequence. The conditions are deliberately created for those ‘less fortunate’ – who cannot / could-not hold-onto their handful of money / maintain a position within the world-system due to the momentary throttling of the money-supply as resources. Then – when most of the population has been diminished out of the world-system as environment – the money is again circulated within the world-system for the population as organisms/species that was fit enough to survive, to continue existing:
“The organisms who die as a consequence of this competition were not totally random, Darwin found that those organisms more suited to their environment were more likely to survive.” Biology-online (www.biology-online)
Thus – how “natural selection” is deliberately created / enforced within the world-system to maintain the world-system, control money and expatiate evolution through enslaving only a select few human-beings into and as the closed-system as World-System as environment.
Let’s continue:
“This resulted in the well known phrase survival of the fittest, where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times. (This phrase if often associated with Darwin, though on closer inspection Herbert Spencer puts the phrase in a more accurate historical context.)” Biology-online (www.biology-online)
Let’s have a look at the words “...where the organisms most suited to their environment had more chance of survival if the species falls upon hard times” Biology-online (www.biology-online).
This, within the context of the World-System, is where ‘human beings most secured within their positions in the system’ in relation to money have more of a chance of surviving when the Money-System falls on hard times.
These are such human-beings who adapted, changed, compromised and deceived to the extent where they morphed / programmed themselves into ‘personality suits’ to ‘suit their environment’ in the world-system to secure themselves in the system, to secure their money, to so secure their survival. As the following quote illustrate:
“Those organisms who are better suited to their environment exhibit desirable characteristics, which is a consequence of their genome being more suitable to begin with.” Biology-online (www.biology-online).
The ‘desirable characteristics’ as the ‘characteristics traits’ the human-beings with their predisposed / pre-programmed genomes as mind consciousness system life-designs utilized to create/programme ‘desirable personality suits’ to ‘suit their environment’ as to so secure their positions in the world-system. Therefore, human-beings now standing most secured within the world-system are there because-of and due to their genome/mind consciousness system predisposition/pre-programming, and how that was used / abused to secure their survival in the world-system as environment = equal-to and one with the play-out within and between organisms in nature, in the environment. Those that didn’t utilize their genome/mind consciousness system-pre-programming to suit themselves into personality-creations with characteristics and traits to suit their environment as position in the world-system – would fall, fade-out and die within the game of survival of the fittest.
“This 'weeding out' of less suited organisms and the reward of survival to those better suited led Darwin to deduce that organisms had evolved over time, where the most desirable characteristics of a species are favoured and those organisms who exhibit them survive to pass their genes on.” Biology-online (www.biology-online).
And the genes / mind consciousness system designs would then continue to be passed-on throughout the generations, of those human-beings within the genome / mind consciousness system pre-programming that is most desirable/suited to fit-into the game of survival within the world-system to secure their continued positions, and so existence within the world-system, by creating/programming the best-suited personality-suits from/of their genome make-up.
“As a consequence of this, a changing environment would mean different characteristics would be favourable in a changing environment. Darwin believed that organisms had 'evolved' to suit their environments, and occupy an ecological niche where they would be best suited to their environment and therefore have the best chance of survival.” Biology-online (www.biology-online).
Here – the ‘environment’ as ‘World-System’ is constantly, deliberately ‘changed’. This is done by the handful of human-beings that control the movement, circulation and direction of the money as resources. ‘Change’ is introduced into the World-System through ‘technological advancement/evolution’, with ‘technological advancement/evolution’ within the World-System being made-possible by/through the circulation, movement and direction of and as Money.
So – the more Money moves comfortably, the more ‘technological advancement/evolution’ can be made. For more Money to move – less human-beings have to exist with the World-System, and the more money there is and the more efforts and focus can be placed on ‘technological advancement/evolution’ - where through technological advancement/evolution = more Money is made/circulated/directed and so more money, wealth and power land in the laps of the Elite.
Less human-beings = More Money / More Control/Power of Resources = Technological Evolution to secure more Control/Power/Resources of the Earth/World.
See – Human-Beings are really simply pawns in a system of Money, where they’re literally left onto man-made conditions of ‘natural selection’ to manifest the world-system into and as a specific amount of human-begins so that more money can circulate, so the Elite can have more power, control over/of the earth through Money.
Thus, the more ‘technological advancements/evolutions’ are introduced into the Wold-System to initiate ‘change’ more human-beings have to adapt/change and programme their suits as personalities to be able to specialize within the fields of ‘technological advancements/evolutions’ the World-System now function through/within. Only those human-beings with the predisposed / pre-programmed tendency to be able to utilize particular-specific characteristics of/from their mind consciousness system constructs will be able to do so - fast, quick and effectively enough to secure their position in the system – equal-to and one with the ‘technological advancement / evolution’ of/within and as the world-system. Those who can’t – fall out, fall back from the World-System, from survival, and so from money, and so die / become extinct.
Have a look at how the current World-System has been programmed – it is not in fact what is best for all as it only exists for the purpose of a select-few to have control, power and wealth over and of the Earth, and is thus abusing the majority of the population within the World-System as their Slaves through Money, placing them in the game of ‘Survival of the Fittest’ deliberately to be able to ‘create their own world of wealth, power and control’ while most of Humanity suffer, starve and die – within and upon a Earth that is more than able to provide for all – Equal and One.
The solution: An EQUAL MONEY SYSTEM – where all of Humanity receive Equal-Money from Birth to Death, so all have an opportunity to live on and from the Earth that can provide more than enough for all – equally as one.
Accepting the current Money-System is allowing All the abuse that it creates as a outflow-consequence of its existence - such as war, crime, violence, abuse, starvation, poverty...everything that exist because of and due to our acceptance, adherence and submission into and as the World-System of the Money-System today.
Stand-up – be a change for the Future of self, and all as self – equal and one. Accept only What’ll be Best for All as and Equal Money System, as through this we will allow nothing less than that, but only Equality and Oneness for All.
Be One Vote for World-Equality – Stand for an Equal Money System for All.