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Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Memory Context and Placing Memory in Relationship to the Universe

Transcript of the Video:
(recording by Bernard Poolman)

What I realized many years ago is that the thing that limits you is memory and that the idea that we have of memory as a human being is in fact not of any value. I investigated things like the silver method and various mega memory methods and so on, but all of them used a reference point, an allocation point that was based on some other structure in the system, like a name, or an alphabet or a number or something - it was always using associations. By using association it was always like removed according to your structural design, a filing system, it was like an index system, it was always removed according to an index system and how specifically effective you would actually mark your index system. That's why many of your memories of your past that had some form of trauma or love or backchat or fright will have a more intense or more effective index system, therefore the memory will be more pronounced while the memories that you accepted as normal and that you did not index them well and they became part of your personality make-up, will be more difficult to find.

What one do, the memory is always here, that means that is it is available within the context of your space-time - all you have to do is move into the exact same space-time position and the memory is immediately available. And you don't have to remember it. You don't have to make any effort from that, all you have to be is aware here, not in your mind, but physically participating, breathing within the context of the physical reality, then the memory is available. So you're not remembering specifically what you did at a specific hour - that's irrelevant, that's obsession, that's system obsession. The only points I will make directive point to remember, if it is relevant to, for instance, a point in the system, like the fuel box number or the telephone number. Only the ones relevant, the rest is irrelevant. At all times not occupying the physical body with mundane useless memory information that makes your functioning here obstructed. Just like a computer, the more memory you keep on board and the more you accumulate that memory, the more you're going to have problems with backchat, the more you're going to have problems as you grow older that your memory is going to give in, because your body is being used to store the information, instead of live within the context of this world. So what I did just - no matter what the memory was if it comes up - I'll just forgive it and delete it.

And I found a fascinating thing as I started realizing the application of leaving the memory in the context of the space-time event - say I was in Durban and the point happened and say Talamon comes walking through the door at the airport, my memory is constructed in that space-time linked to Talamon, so I will have no vision, no visual of any person in how they look, I can't even describe them to you, it's really irrelevant. But the very moment they walk into my space-time, all context of space-time of that person becomes relevant and I can cross-reference all space-time, because that person carries within their context of space-time all the memories of their existence and within that I can establish their complete life from birth to death - just by spending time with him. Because they are carrying all of them with them.

So it's grasping this principle that will accelerate your ability to work within information exponentially, and eventually will become part of all human beings when you are referencing it in the universe, that means you can take knowledge and apply it in the same way. You place the knowledge space-time specific and then establish the movement of that as an... how it would exist in this world for real and you can establish whether the knowledge is in fact real or not, whether the knowledge in fact is possible or not - same with the UFO, I mean you have to realize that when the UFO enters the atmosphere, comes within forces that is relevant to the earth, there are certain laws and as we have established, for instance, is that you don't find these bloody things, they can't make these things effectively, because of the forces relevant here and nobody gets away from Earth, because Earth is based on the most fear. You are existing here because of your fear and how - the whole system that exist here is based on your fear or your backchat is based on fear, because you don't trust - that's the problem.

Now what is trust really? Trust is that everyone in this world must, where they are living, do what you do, that means, do what is best for all without having to in any way be involved in it. And that's what we are busy establishing - a network of trust where you are me and I am you and where-ever we are we will do what's best for all and when we meet - we may never meet - we are immediately equal in our application. Now we have established equality, obviously then a system also that manage where I am and where you are our lives in a form of equality that's best for all. So if we swap position, our lives don't change. You're not suddenly poor and I am suddenly rich, or you are rich and I am poor which is what the whole reincarnation and soul system used to do, you know, you swap positions and you have different lives and therefore foolishly enough one will say but, you know, I have this good life and it's ok, if my next one is bad, because, I mean, I have had a good one and it's your turn. We don't have to live like that. All we've got to do is change the context of our system, that it is equal everywhere and then to distribute the resources necessary equally and to develop a work or a labor force and a logistics force according to that. And that is simply information management - we have the technology to do that, now what we need to do is establish the integrity of the human system, the human mind to be one that can be trusted at all times and currently that does not exist.

First of all, we are establishing the core group that can be trusted in every way that stands together. From there it'll slowly but surely integrate more and more people and assist them to become trustworthy, purified, effective human beings. Within the context of that you can already grasp the extreme magnificence that flow from that. The most difficult part obviously within this is your memory system in relationship to your desires where you've created memories that you would like to satisfy without the context of the physical space-time, if it in fact work like that. So it is very dangerous to go into delusional possessions around sex or relationships or things like that, because your memory you have constructed is illusional, that means it's not real. And it has been manipulated through information. The information is linked to your control and obsession to make sure you do not ask questions about your reality and is based on other people's desire to make money and they don't really care how they do it - whether they insert and influence your memory system by inserting half-naked women into it, so that every time you see it you are obsessed to buy it, because there is a little bit of panty showing or there is something happening in your memory construct that activates your desire or your want to immediately satisfy yourself. And many of the buying, that is when you go and buy something, you are in fact having sex, because you're satisfying your sex and obsession and you buy according to how something is shaped - a bottle is shaped in a particular way that takes on the form kind of, strange enough like the body of a woman, for instance, and therefore a male will buy the bloody bottle and then drink the content and like the content just because it looks like a female body. But, I mean, the shape of that is not the exact female body, it is just the roundings - it is fascinating how extreme the illusionary memory construct is.

Anyway, there you have some context to memory and obviously we will be working with this extensively as we are correcting the backchat because your backchat in essence is essential to establish to what extent you are dishonest and to actually within that context develop your self-honesty. If you can't stop your backchat, it is inevitable that it will possess you - that's how we've arranged it that you will become demon possessed and you will start influencing and divide people around you and try and make yourself the center of the universe, instead of working in a way that is best for all and you will eventually be exposed no matter how you will try and hide your backchat, because you will have nasty thoughts that eventually will jump out of your mouth - or you will have obsessive arguments or debates or all kinds of stuff, so we are very nicely positioned at this stage to establish with an early warning system through the way we are using the internet - those that are not ready yet for process, we get rid of them, get them out of our way, ban them because they are in any way fake, everything they have is fake, they need to rebirth and restart, therefore you don't want them to use their old account from youtube when they come back, you want, in essence, them want to start a new account. Because the old account is carrying memories from their previous life and they have no capacity to deal with their memories, so if you bring them back in their old fucking name, they are fucked; within days they are back in the old cycle because their memories take over again.

So everything we do is extremely specific. Understand, take part in it, get yourself used to it, because you have to work and act in ways that is best for the person. When you get to a point of transformation and I'm not saying that all people will always do that, I'm saying this is the common way things are happening and some - very few - will be able to transcend it. Very few, but many, unfortunately, will deceive in ways that won't show immediately. You have to be strong enough to draw the line, when the line must be drawn. And not get yourself hooked into a lengthy story, where eventually after years you realize, OMG, I must let this person go in the way that they now believe they exist, because they are existing as their memory and they aren't willing to actually change. So there's lots of things that one has got to learn to do effectively to bring about a better world for all. Not all obviously, there's still a lot that will die - not much we can do about that - we had to draw the line somewhere, they were in the infinity cycle where some was on the up and some was on the down and some were placed in such atrocious positions that there is nothing that can be done, especially when it comes to the education that mired their minds and their physical body has been placed in a form of cryogenic fuckin' stuckness where there is no possibility to intellectually develop them effectively to be able to understand what we're busy with. There's nothing we can do about that, that will change in the future. We can already see whenever a child is exposed to the proper stimulus they develop effectively and become an effective member of the human race.

So there are things that we will have to consider. These things are happening at the resonant level, you are not involved in them, I'm not involved in that, that is happening at the person's own resonance level. That means the assessment of what to do, how to do it, who stays, who goes that is at a constant breath by breath evaluation. And remember that free choice, that means the choice whether you... who you become and whether you actually remain as a living being in the universe depends in fact on you and you have to eventually - if you can't make that choice in full awareness as an expression of will within the context of what is best for all, obviously that decision is made for you and that would imply that you will not survive death. You can only survive death if you are in full awareness absolutely in standing as for what is best for all. If you can stand before the universe in every aspect, not as a being of love, but as a being that is equal to everything that makes always a decision that is best for all no matter what the system. Unless you can stand in that position you have no life yet. You are not re-birthed. We are with Desteni busy with the training of that. We are coaching you how to handle life on every aspect of it, so that you can transcend all levels of everything that can be thrown at you and in fact rebirth yourself. So therefore it is essential that you really give yourself the opportunity to make the most of this life.


On the memory placement - when you're placing it you have to test it and cross-reference it at all times. It's not an achievement - understand: the moment you're dealing with it as if it is an achievement you will lose it again. It is just how you live, it's just normal, there must be no effort from your side. If there is effort - I mean, how do I deal with it when the point do not arrive - I have to move back in time dimensionally to find the point, if it's not clear and enough to correct my placement. I have to deactivate, delete the energy charge that went with it, because that made a dimensional shift on it - it made it invisible so to speak. It's not in physical space-time, it's in the mental, invisible.

Have a look, all your thoughts, all your mental shit: it's always invisible. So when something is lost or you can't remember it, it's because it is in some of your own invisible dimensions of your mind. It's not in physical space-time. That's why you can't find the fucker and that's why you eventually lose your memory, because you use so many dimensions to try and store stuff and so much of these dimensions are in fact dimensions where you are doing harm and where you are in fact living in secret because you are trying to win, you have been taught to compete the whole time and to win at all cost.

So it's going to take time to sort out this dimensional problem of the mind and how one deal with memory. And that is why you have all kinds of diseases that happens, because people eventually are feeling so bad about what they've done in their life that they want to forget it all. And then they develop things like diseases like Alzheimer's and so on, and they will never tell you they are doing that, because they don't even realize it - it is a deep desire within them that manifest in the physical then start shutting down and they then are unable to reach those dimensions, because they in fact unconsciously choose to never remember again. And to try and have a happy life which becomes then a very short cycle where they try and get back at people that have harmed them. It all depends on the context of your backchat. Your backchat decides the way you structure your memory. That's really fuckin' dangerous.

Part 3

Memory and physical law:

So understand the principle of oneness that has come to bear itself on the universe, on existence. It is basically a physical dimension within so that you can establish within that context your self-honesty and your integrity so that you have something that you can trust which was the problem that existed before the physical existence, before everything became solid so to speak which one then exist in alignment with the physical There was nothing, no one could hang onto, because there was no God and therefore lots of abuse started happening in the universe and therefore an answer had to be found for this abuse.

So here you are now on Earth in the middle of all this abuse within a construct that can help you with your self-purification, your self-perfection, your self-integration, where you become truly that which is worthy of life and worthy of love and worthy of each other. Obviously the deal is, if you don't do it, you will no longer exist. You must make up your mind now - this is the last life for all and there is no way out. That is the mission, that is what was decided. Let's see if you are going to have it in you to truly honor life and stand one and equal. The temptations are many, yes, because they must be - to the ultimate degree - to make sure you do not fuck with yourself, and lie to yourself and deceive yourself and deceive others, seek power, try to manipulate and control, you name it, all of it that is existing now is here so that you have to overcome it and stand up as life. That's what we are here for to help - there is no way out. Better get it done.