I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

from observer to participant - desteni

Here I'd like to share my story of how I got to Desteni:

Someone told about youtube and since I had been reading a whole lot on spirituality, homoeopathy, kinesiology, channelings with Jane Roberts and Seth, reiki, auras, quantum touch and alternative healing, it was real fun to watch videos and get information on topics I was interested in by way of videos instead of reading all the time. I happened upon Desteni when doing a search on ‘the Anunaki’, because a practitioner had told me some things about them and gave me a book to read, but had wanted it back before I had completed it. Well, that’s how I saw one of my first Desteni videos – which was one from the History of Man series done by Jack. It took me a while to actually find out who it was that I was seeing in the video and to decide whether I was seeing a man or a woman – lol - this ‘Jack’ looked rather female to me! And of course the phenomenon of the ‘Portal’ was very intriguing. So it took me a while to find out whether Jack and Veno (from ‘my’ first videos) were different ‘people’ or what was going on here, until I finally discovered the story behind this. Around that time I made ‘youtube friends’ with Bella who was living on the Desteni farm to that time and I think she mentioned the forum to me where I found more background information and a place to discuss the material and read how others ‘were taking all this in’.

Despite all of it - the portal - being so unbelievable, the fact that I was actually getting answers here that didn’t leave anything hanging in mid-air - after having watched one video after the other for some weeks (!) - in contrast to Seth (who was at least more or less scientific) and all the ‘channeled’ stuff, was what opened me up to Desteni. Here I was finding answers to questions that had been with me for most of my life. Things that had disturbed me most of all in the books I had been reading were that you had to expand your consciousness, become more, something that is actually not-me-yet. This had made me nervous, because I was giving my power away to other people’s ideas and perceptions who believed they knew how to get information from my spiritual guides, what karmic lessons I had to learn, etc., etc. Well, I was looking for direction… And then there was the ‘message’ that everything is Here. I am Here. I am Here as everything as Life, one and equal! There is nothing to expand to, nothing actually superior – and inferior, not if I don’t allow and accept it. And there was self-forgiveness and the other tools. I was actually able to support myself – the search had ended. So I was actually able to start facing my Self. It’s still a process, and not such a pretty sight as I had once hoped (after reading Kryon!). But self-walked, and not ‘presented’ by anyone. So I’m learning to trust myself, my Self – as I am doing this myself, for myself. And thus, by building myself as trustworthy will also be able to actually support others as myself. And being able to trust myself means I can stop myself as Self-interest; I don’t have to have my interest in mind as priority when there is self-trust.

This brings me to the next point which is absolute priority in this world: Equal Money. Without an equal money system the current system of abuse will continue the suffering for all Life. Nobody will be able to stop their struggle for survival and actually realize what Life is all about, who they are as and within Life as one and equal if we don’t implement an equal money system to give everyone a chance. This is the primary step to World Equality within which we act as one to support Life. This is what I see as Heaven on Earth. Being Here unconditionally as equals. Being able to be Life unconditionally, supporting and being supported equally.

Here are some of the early videos I marked as favorites from the time I started with Desteni. There are a lot more that have since added to my understanding of where we come from and what we have allowed. So in this I have released myself from a search within the past which had shaped my future to be a search for myself. I have stopped searching and allowing myself here, allowing myself to face myself, to see what mind constructs of ideas, memories, fears, self-denials etc. I have given my power away to. So Here and now - instead of only observing and evaluating - I can take part in my life as a living participating being.

Self-Discipline and Osho

Demons and the Inner Darkness of the Shadow Self

Thoughts and Holographics Veno

When I trust in God and the World fail will we Stand Up at last? (The Design of Giving Up)

Give You to You

Happiness in a Relationship and in Life Why is it not Constant? (The Design of Happiness)

Imagination and Entertainment The wild card!!! Hot and sexy?

Amalgamation as Life as Freedom (Solution of amalgamating as life)

The end of man as slaves to money god as man

God as Man as Powerless Victim What is the Core Origin? (Bruce Lee)