I'm one vote for world equality and an equal money system (visit for more information)

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

No more honour killings in an EMS?

No more honour killings in an EMS?

Archaic but still shockingly flourishing: The practice of honour killings particularly of Muslim women – and the phenomenon doesn’t stop at the borders of liberalistic democratic European cities. What does this tell us? - That politics is obviously powerless in the face of ultra-religious ideas. Thus it is vital to have a look at not so much the political systems, but religious ideas and ideas in general that are inherent in and as family values if we want to bring about a change that supports actual dignity and equal life quality for all.

The system is us, and as long as we dare not stand up to the inhumane slaughtering by so-called ‘honour heroes’= most often minors and the victim’s brother, instigated and pressured to do the killing for the sake of rectifying a ‘besmirching’ of ‘family honour and dignity’, a self-image projected onto the idea of family as an entity that is perceived to have been sullied by the attempt of the respective females of that system entity to break out of forced abusive marriages that relatives have often arranged for girls at the early age of 12, or even only by a simple rendezvous – we must look at what is holding us back.

For one, liberalism has made us snug and mainstream media only reacts if our image as a country is made an issue, when for example a Turkish girl is called a ‘German slut’ for not wearing a head scarf, or personal rights and our sense of freedom are endangered. We fear religious debates and interference in cultural lifestyles because of the WWII history of fascism. This fear of being labeled a Nazi or a fascist is, however, relatively superficial.

We must look deeper not only as a nation -wherein it would be easy to find the excuse of one alone being powerless to change anything anyway and thus giving up - but on an individual basis. Each and every one of us must realize, see and understand why we as human beings foster particular, specific ideas within and as the family system as-us, wherein religion is only one aspect, though dominating in many cultures.

What are we allowing and accepting within our own families? This starts with what we are accepting and allowing within our own minds as thoughts, feelings, emotions and backchat. It is here we have to face ourselves first and stop if we are to make a crucial change toward real dignity within and as Life. We must start honouring ourselves as life to be able to achieve an actual state of honour. This starts here with us, within us. We are tolerating individualism and opinion way too much considering it to be a matter of privacy or cultural diversity which cannot and may not be challenged or criticized without risking being judged as intolerant – but what are we doing? We’re hiding behind and within these concepts so we don’t have to face ourselves in and as this world.

It is time to be intolerant! We can no longer tolerate what we are doing unto ourselves as reflected in the world. We must stop. We are slaughtering ourselves for an idea of honour that can never become real as us as and within us as long as we allow and accept this horrendous behaviour.

The first step that allows us the time and energy to bring about a world in which each supports self and each other equally is an equal money system. This will not only improve the situation of women from countries and cultures prone to honour killings like Bangladesh, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Brazil, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey, and others drastically by virtue of the simple fact that their basic needs are being met so they are not dependant on a husband and his income in the first place, but will with time allow the belief systems per se to be challenged.

The equal money system will give us time to institute education systems world-wide that actually promote real understanding and actual unity as life, instead of competition, self-interest and exclusion. This is a decisive factor that will prevent honour killings on the long run. Herewith it will be made obvious in which way and to which degree societies, cultures, religions and the family system have been designed to keep beings enslaved - herein with respect to honour killings specifically, the perceived role of the woman as a ‘vessel for family reputation’ and the male’s idea of ownership of woman; thus the point of the family in particular will undergo radical change as this is the foundation system from which all systems in this world flow as to be able to stop next generations from being born into the same patterns that their parents have been allowing themselves as and within. So also abusive tendencies to victimize and self-victimize will be addressed and support given to/toward self-correction and change at an early an age as possible.

Here again education/re-education and the point of equal money will be critical to facilitate the development of a societal foundation that is best for all as and within life. Until then, mediators will be available to ensure interceptive action can be taken to direct situations that are at the verge of escalating, to protect, direct and support. There will be a judicial system in place with people who have proven themselves to be trustworthy of and as life who have held themselves accountable in written and spoken word – within a system that is neither subject to money nor to culturally misguided values and manipulations. This will be more of an established point of deciding what needs to be done in each particular case to, on the one hand, deal with the abuse at hand and introduce the necessary corrective measures for the perpetrators and, on the other hand, provide protection for the respective females.

Dowries that are perceived as insufficient and the murders that are committed on the basis of such evaluations will be a thing of the past, as well as the concept of a dowry itself. Why would anybody consider getting or accumulating a dowry or for that matter even getting married, if one has all one would wish for in a system that provides for the best for all equally? Thus the concept of dowries and financial considerations on the whole will soon be history.

Equal Money will set an end to systems of abuse that thrive everywhere in every aspect of our being here on Earth – starting with family, religion, love, education, consumerism, money, government, media, production, labor and wealth – systems that are actually belief systems that require our participation and faith in them for them to exist.

So, Equal Money constitutes a vital step in particular towards debunking the ideals of family honour and other mind possessions such as committing passion crimes based on jealousy, fear and male self-aggrandizement – mind states of delusion and paranoia – all backed by the complicity of the respective family members.

Thus, yes, Equal Money and Re-Education together with the walking of a process of self-realization and self-change will stop honour killings. The re-education support and self-support tools are already in place and available for everyone free of cost: http://www.desteniiprocess.com. For more on the Equal Money System visit: http://equalmoney.org.