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Montag, 10. Oktober 2011

The Design of the Mind Consciousness System



This is the Design of the Mind Consciousness System communicating about the design of the mind consciousness system. As has been placed into perspective within video interviews the design of the mind consciousness system looks as follows: You have the magnetic frequency ball which is situated in the center of your being just above the pelvic region, which moves constantly and continuously - within which the essence of your being is placed which gives life to the center beam placement and the two beam branch placements, which is the mind consciousness system. The center being your conscious, left your unconscious, right your subconcious. At the tips of the 3 beams also exist magnetic frequency balls of information which manifests as thoughts, emotions and feelings, which becomes alive through you as this magnetic force frequency - the essence of you giving life to this entire system placement within you.

Now, I’m here to explain what the basic foundation framework placement of the mind consciousness system within and as the human physical body looks like:
When you are developing within/as your mother's womb: From the embryo you are placed as the magnetic force frequency ball - literally a round ball, and your essence is infused within this, so you become this magnetic force frequency ball within the embryo. The embryo is then also filled with the liquefied information design of the mind consciousness system. So, as you develop, you develop as this mind consciousness system placement as what I described and mentioned in the beginning of the interview. So you start developing as this human physical body together with this mind consciousness system placement within you, with the center metallic beam as the conscious mind, is branching out the unconscious mind and branching out the subconscious mind - but, it is not yet filled with any information. The foundation placement framework design of the mind consciousness system, which is a metallic gray structure, is aligned with magnetic frequency dot balls.

So as you start developing from the embryo your human physical body starts developing with the magnetic frequency ball in the center of your being and then the mind consciousness system branch, which is only first a metallic placement with the magnetic frequency dot balls aligned all over. Now an interesting thing happens: As your human physical body develops in your mother's womb, your mother and father's downloaded information from their entire mind consciousness system infuses within your mind consciousness system. It is transferred through the infusion of the blood as your mother's blood connects with your blood of the human physical body as one together and start moving your mother's information and your father's information, because your mother and your father had sex, which means both their mind consciousness system information has been transferred into each others so your mother's also contained your father's mind consciousness system information within her. So as you're developing in the mother's womb, your mother and father's information from their mind consciousness system download into you through the transfusion of the blood. Now the information connects to the magnetic frequency dot balls of the mind consciousness system foundation framework placement.

The moment the information started connecting to the foundation framework placement of the mind consciousness system as the magnetic frequency dot balls your essence within the magnetic frequency ball - the big one at the bottom of the branch placement of the mind consciousness system - starts connecting to the magnetic frequency dot balls of the mind consciousness system and starts permeating within and throughout the entire mind consciousness system which is aligned with those magnetic frequency dot balls filled with information, and that's how you as a mind consciousness system consisting of information downloaded from your mother, which contains your father's information as well and the generations that have gone before them becomes alive.

And so as you come of age you start developing yourself as a mind consciousness system, thus you are a duplicate and a copy of your mother and your father, but you will develop and design yourself as a personality of the information of your mother and father which is within your mind consciousness system, which seems individual, but it is actually a design of yourself of a family member that existed 10 generations back, which has been placed again within and as you - as have been given perspective for within a video interview already that each human being is a ready designed mc placement being of a family member that existed 10 generations back. So every 10 generations exact duplicates of family members are made. And this is how you as the life essence within the magnetic frequency ball give life to a mind consciousness system filled with downloaded information life. And thus how you birth yourself and come of age within this world as a mind consciousness system - a robot of information.

Thank you very much.

This is the Design of the Mind Consciousness System.